What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely fine needles into the skin at specific “acupoints.” These points are carefully selected along meridians which are the energy channels within the body.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture works through stimulating the body’s healing responses or immune system. Biochemical changes stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being by relieving blockages along meridian pathways.
Is acupuncture painful?
You can feel the needle insertion, but it is not particularly painful. Some people experience a tingling or dull sensation around the needle, but most find it a deeply relaxing experience.
What happens during an acupuncture session?
Following a thorough assessment, acupuncture points are selected depending on the client’s symptoms. Needles are left in place for approximately 30 minutes. The acupuncturist may twirl or turn the needles, apply heat or electrical stimulation, or burn a moxa close to the skin to enhance the stimulation.
How many sessions will I need?
Acute symptoms may be relieved in 2-4 sessions, while chronic conditions can take up to ten sessions. Clients, however, should expect to feel progressively better after each treatment. In some cases, clients choose to have follow up sessions (typically once every 4-6 week), to maintain their health.
Many people who have the fortune of having perfect health have now also begun to see acupuncture as a necessary appointment in their diary. This is partly due to the vast swathes of clinical studies which promote its’ benefits in boosting overall health.
Are there any side effects from acupuncture?
Acupuncture can be administered alongside other therapies or medication in almost every circumstance. Mild discomfort and light bruising are rare occurrences. Clients should inform their therapist if they:
- take blood thinning medication.
- have a seizure disorder
- have a pacemaker
- are pregnant
Conditions treated?